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posted Mar 13, 2018

Economic Impact of Investments in Bicycle Facilities

This study examines the value of public investment in bicycle facilities.

posted Mar 13, 2018

Trail Tourism: Promotion of the Katy Trail in Missouri

The Katy Trail is a 185-mile rails-to-trails conversion of the Missouri-Kansas-Texas-Railroad (nick-named the KATY). The Missouri Department of Natural Resources was able to acquire the right-of-way after Congress passed the National Trails System Act allowing railroad corridors to be banked for future transportation use and used on an interim basis for recreational trails.

posted Mar 13, 2018

Benefits of Greenways: A Pennsylvania Study

The Benefits of Pennsylvania Greenways Report will be used as a foundation for future communication and outreach efforts focusing on educating the general public regarding the benefits that are, and will continue to be provided by Pennsylvania greenways.

posted Mar 13, 2018

Indiana Trails Study: A Study of Trails in Six Indiana Cities

The six study trail sites were selected to reflect differing community populations, geographic locations, trail development-funding methods, trail types and community types. The common parameter for trail selection was that the trail had to be operating for longer than two years.

posted Mar 13, 2018

Nebraska Rural Trails: Three Studies of Trail Impact

Documenting the impact of Nebraska’s developing trail system, using surveys to learn more about usage patterns, public safety, property values, and community quality of life along three rural rail-trails.

posted Mar 13, 2018

How's Business on the Katy Trail? Entreprenuers See Opportunities.

An influx of tourists would mean an economic boom for the small towns along the Katy. But merchants' outlooks vary widely.

posted Mar 13, 2018

Pennsylvania Greenways - An Action Plan for Creating Connections

This plan is designed to provide a coordinated and strategic approach to creating connections through the establishment of greenways.

posted Mar 13, 2018

How Methow Valley Grew an Economy

While developers and government officials spent two decades and millions of dollars trying to turn this valley into a destination downhill ski resort, residents quietly built and maintained a world-class cross-country skiing area.

posted Mar 13, 2018

Detroit Greenways Study: Building the Riverfront Greenway

The vision of a continuous greenway along the Detroit River seemed like a dream only a few years ago. But today, communities and businesses in Greater Detroit are redefining their relationship to the river and championing linked greenways along its entire length.

posted Mar 13, 2018

Study of Nearby Businesses and Adjacent Residential Landowners to the Pere Marquette Rail-Trail

The main purpose of studying nearby businesses and adjacent residential landowners was to better understand the level of support for the extension of the Pere Marquette Rail-Trail prior to its construction.

posted Mar 13, 2018

Omaha Recreational Trails: Their Effect on Property Values and Public Safety

Despite increased promotion of trails for health and recreation, critics of new trail development continue to raise questions about the suitability of trails in neighborhoods. Concerns often focus on the impact of trails on property values and public safety in different types of neighborhoods.

posted Mar 13, 2018

Study of Two Successful Canadian Rural Trails

A brief study of two successful rural trails, one utilizing an active irrigation canal alignment (Calgary to Chestermere Lake) and the other converted from an abandoned rail line (The Iron Horse Trail-Elk Point to Heinsburg).