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You Can Get There

by Karen Vitkay with Alta Planning + Design, Alex Oreschak with Maricopa Association of Governments

Wayfinding systems are essential tools of complete and effective regional trails and trail networks.

The Creation of the Jeju Olle Trail (South Korea)

by Galeo Saintz with World Trails Network

This session will introduce the Jeju Olle Trail and the new possibilities that have grown from it.

Think Big

Strategy to find new funding sources

Building Healthy Communities

Learn how to use a collaborative approach to develop a bi-state regional trails plan.

Grade-Separated Trails Crossings

Key presentation elements will include a list of factors that trail planners and designers should consider.

All Successful Trails Need Partnerships and Coalitions

This interactive presentation will discuss the importance of creating a strong coalition of diverse stakeholders and identify strategies to effectively engage them.

Training and Resources for Building Better Trails (2008)

Learn about trail training services and opportunities plus a wide variety of technical resources available.

Texas Two Step or Zydeco Jig

by Dan Jatres with New Orleans Regional Planning Commission, Brandon Ross with City of San Antonio Parks and Recreation Department

This session will focus on addressing the challenges of coordinating with multiple agencies for shared use of space in floodplains.

Trail Science Research on the Appalachian Trail

The Appalachian Trail has been the focus of the largest and most comprehensive recreation ecology trail science study ever conducted.

Beyond the Trail - 2015

This presentation describes how the new BLM policies guide the agency in fulfilling its responsibilities under the National Trails System Act.

Partners for Trails

Formal comprehensive non-motorized trails program

Blue Trails

This presentation will teach water trail developers how to improve recreation and increase access by integrating conservation and restoration goals into their water trails plans.