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posted May 13, 2009

Brian O'Neill

by American Trails Staff

Brian O'Neill - the longtime superintendent of the Golden Gate National Recreation Area who helped transform the Presidio and other military bases into parkland.

posted May 5, 2009

Tammy Jamieson - Advocate for Parks, Trails, and Open Space

by Robert (Bob) Searns with Robert Searns and Associates, Inc.

Tammy left a lasting legacy in the parks, trails and open space features that she created during her tenure.

posted Jan 9, 2008

Jessica Terrell, Trails Activist and State Program Manager

by American Trails Staff

Jessica had been the state trail coordinator for the Department of Natural Resources in New Mexico, and held the same position in Missouri. She was proud of being selected to participate in the American Frontiers Expedition team.

posted Dec 3, 2007

Dale Lloyd, Advocate for Trails and Snowmobilers

by American Trails Staff

Dale Harvey Lloyd was the husband of Kay Lloyd, who served as American Trails Chair for several years. Dale, like Kay, was an avid snowmobiler and advocate for trails of all kinds.

posted Jul 1, 2007

The History of Horse Trails: The Fight for Trails Across America

Equestrians over the decades have recognized the threats to access and places to ride, and joined the fight for trails across America.

posted Jan 19, 2007

George's Send Off

by American Trails Staff

George was an avid equestrian and advocate for the preservation of public open space and trails. His work in the 1940's in Contra Costa County, CA became the model for the California State Riding and Hiking Trails Plan and later led to California State trails acts in 1945 and again in 1974.

posted Jun 24, 2005

Bill Bliss Rides into the Sunset

by American Trails Staff

In 2006 Bill received the Lifetime Service Award from American Trails. He conducted a never-ending crusade for safer trails, bicycling, and bicycling facilities.

posted May 6, 2003

Remembering Bill Spitzer, Park Service Mentor

by American Trails Staff

The trails community lost a great friend with the passing of Bill Spitzer.

posted Jan 1, 2003

Maintenance Costs for the Schuylkill Trail

The tables show estimates of time needed to maintain the Montgomery County, PA, trail.

posted Nov 18, 2001

Lu Schrader, West Virginia Trail Advocate

Lu Schrader founded the the West Virginia Trails Coalition and was a key player in the first WV Statewide Trail Plan. Lu was also the driving force behind the creation of the Trace Fork Canyon Trail near Charleston.