The Symposium includes numerous educational sessions covering a broad range of trail issues including nationally and internationally prominent presenters. View presentations that were sent to us post-ITS.




published Dec 2023

Trails as Resilient Infrastructure

This guidebook demonstrates how trails are part of resilient transportation infrastructure, how trails can be planned and designed to be resilient and sustainable, and how trails have a role in emergency planning and response.

published Dec 2000

Trails Assessment and Recommendations for Management

An Assessment of Trails, Watercourses, Soils, and Redwood Forest Health in Joaquin Miller Park, Oakland, California.

published May 2023

Trails Capacity Program 2022/23 Impact Report

As of March 2023, American Trails has funded 14 projects through the Trails Capacity Program.

published Mar 2020

Trails Community Appropriations Recommendations

by Tyler Ray with American Hiking Society

On behalf of the thousands of diverse trail users our collective organizations represent, we urge appropriators to adequately invest in our nation’s trails.

published Mar 2021

Trails Community Appropriations Recommendations for FFY 2022

by American Trails Staff

These recommendations have been jointly developed for Hike the Hill regarding FFY 2022 asks and justifications for Federal agency budgets affecting trails and outdoor recreation opportunities.

published Jan 2008

Trails Community: Summerlin in Las Vegas, Nevada

by American Trails Staff

Summerlin is one of three communities from across the nation selected to serve as fitting models for excellence in trails within a private development.

published Nov 2019

Trails Crossing on Active Railroad Lines

by Stuart Macdonald

One of the most difficult trail facilities to accomplish is a crossing of an active rail line.

published Jul 1990

Trails For All Americans

by National Park Service

What would it take for all Americans to be able to go out their front doors and within fifteen minutes be on trails that wind through their cities, towns or villages and bring them back without retracing steps?

posted Nov 4, 2014

Trails for All People

How can trail groups, local governments, and land trusts responsibly plan, develop, and operate trails that are accessible by all people, including those with limited mobility? What are best management practices? What is legally required? When is universal accessibility not appropriate?

published Sep 1966

Trails for America

by National Park Service

A 1966 study headed by Stuart Udall on the feasibility of a National Trails System

published Jun 2012

Trails in a Transportation World

by Stuart Macdonald

Can trails and bikeways compete with other transportation priorities?

published Sep 2005

Trails in New Developments: A Case Study

by Roger Bell

With the growing frugality of government funding for trails, private developers can be significant partners in developing public trail systems.