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posted Dec 16, 2012

Inspiring Children to Become Lifelong Stewards of our Great Outdoors and Trails

by American Trails Staff

Environmental education inspires lifelong learning.

posted Dec 9, 2012

Success or Chaos: Attitude Makes the Difference

by American Trails Staff

The bicycle and pedestrian facilities of European cities are often cited as examples of an enlightened future.

posted Nov 19, 2012

Korea Hosts Another Outstanding World Trails Conference

by Robert (Bob) Searns with Robert Searns and Associates, Inc.

The Second World Trails Conference took place November 7-9, 2011 in the Seogwipo area of Jeju Island, South Korea.

posted Aug 8, 2012

Remembering Joe Shoemaker: Colorado Greenway Visionary

by American Trails Staff

American Trails and the trails community nationwide mourns the passing of Joe Shoemaker in August 2012.

posted Jun 30, 2012

Trails in a Transportation World

by Stuart Macdonald

Can trails and bikeways compete with other transportation priorities?

posted May 7, 2012

Sustaining Communities with Trails and Open Space

by Roger Bell

A retired trailbuilder discusses land and open space.

posted Apr 22, 2012

The Longest Trail Starts Here

by Stuart Macdonald

We usually set out on a trail knowing how far we’ll go and where it ends. However, the journey to secure reliable funding for our trails and public lands is the trail that never ends.

posted Mar 19, 2012

Trails are Linking Our World

by Stuart Macdonald

Trails are not just an American concept.

posted Feb 16, 2012

OPDMD: Coming to a Trail Near You?

by Stuart Macdonald

What's the right answer for mobility devices?

posted Jan 7, 2012

Hulet Hornbeck, Trail Activist and Land Acquisition Specialist

Hulet was a long-time American Trails board member. He created his legacy through trails during 20 years of land acquisition for the East Bay Regional Park District. His intellect, kindness, public sense of stewardship and humor was an inspiration to us all!

posted Dec 25, 2011

Spiritual Journeys: the Light on the Trail Ahead

by Stuart Macdonald

Reflections on the spiritual aspect of trails.

posted Dec 19, 2011

Trails are Making a Difference

by American Trails Staff

Nancy Desmond of Cleveland Metroparks, tells us how trails have made a difference in her life and career.