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posted Nov 22, 2020

Ultimate Holiday Gift Guide for Outdoor Lovers

by American Trails Staff

Looking for the perfect gift for an outdoor enthusiast (including yourself)? Check out our guide for amazing gifts in every price range and for every kind of trail lover.

posted Dec 22, 2020

Unauthorized Mountain Bike Trails: A Guide for Land Managers and Riders

This guidance has been created to help mountain bikers and land managers understand different perspectives on this issue, in the context of the Scottish access rights, and to suggest ways in which they can work together and try where possible to find solutions.

posted Feb 19, 2018

Understanding (and Overcoming) Opposition to Rail Trails

Learn the historical and contemporary sources of grassroots opposition to rail trails and several principles for accommodating critics.

posted May 22, 2018

Understanding Equestrian Use of Highways and Bicycle/Pedestrian Facilities

Federal transportation laws and regulations do not prohibit the use of shared use paths or trails by equestrians.

posted Oct 10, 2023

Understanding the Green Workforce

What is the Green Workforce?

posted Mar 10, 2020

Unifying the Trails Community

by American Trails Staff

By recognizing the common goals that all trail user types share, and fighting for those goals together, it is possible to create a real and positive impact on the trails world.

posted Jul 28, 2020

Universal Access Trails and Shared Use Paths

by WeConservePA

This manual reviews Best Management Practices (“BMPs”) to utilize when planning, designing, constructing, and maintaining pedestrian trails for universal accessibility.

posted Feb 5, 2020

Universal Accessibility of "Accessible" Fitness and Recreational Facilities for Persons With Mobility Disabilities

This study descriptively measured the universal accessibility of “accessible” fitness and recreational facilities for Ontarians living with mobility disabilities.

posted Aug 3, 2020

Unpaved Non-Motorized Trail Guidelines

by Florida Office of Greenways and Trails

We all know a good trail when we’re on one. We’re not disoriented due to lack of signage or markers. We’re not climbing over downed trees or ducking under branches, and we’re not slogging through water or mud unless we’ve been forewarned beforehand. A good trail is one where we can fully enjoy our surroundings while challenging ourselves if that is our intent. Trails should provide for a variety of trail distances, loops, ecosystems, scenery and degrees of difficulty. As trail professionals, we should strive to make the best possible experience for users and learn from the past.

posted Mar 27, 2023

Unwind on Reno's Trails

by American Trails Staff

Hiking trails in Reno don’t demand you to be a seasoned hiker to get the most out of them.

posted Jul 28, 2020

Urban Nature for Human Health and Well-Being

by USDA Forest Service

This report summarizes some of the most prominent research related to nature and public health to help urban natural resource professionals, urban planners, architects, educators, health professionals, and community groups effectively communicate the health benefits of urban nature to their constituents.

posted Dec 17, 2018

USDA Forest Service Agreements Desk Guide

The Forest Service has a tradition of partnership as old as the Service itself. In the broad sense, partnership denotes sharing a common interest with the Forest Service in National Forest values and a relationship in pursuit of those common interests. Please keep in mind that this is just a guide. It is not meant to replace, supersede or compete with FSM 1580 or FSH 1509.11. The guide provides direction to reference sources. It also may alleviate research, but not eliminate it. Its biggest value may be in helping develop creative thinking about partnerships and what is possible within the authorities now in place. The information provided in this Desk Guide is current up to its 2003 date of publication, but keep in mind that like everything else things change, so always refer back to the appropriate FSM or FSH for any updates to agreement provisions and direction.