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posted Jan 19, 2018

Bicycling and Walking to Healthy Communities

by Andy Clarke with League of American Bicyclists

People living in pedestrian friendly neighborhoods make four times as many walking and bicycling trips than people living in non-friendly neighborhoods!

posted Jan 19, 2018

Trails in New Developments: A Case Study

by Roger Bell

With the growing frugality of government funding for trails, private developers can be significant partners in developing public trail systems.

posted Jan 19, 2018

The (Almost) Perfect Trails Community

by Robert (Bob) Searns with Robert Searns and Associates, Inc.

In new communities the private sector and market forces have helped preserve natural resources while offering outstanding recreational trails.

posted Jan 19, 2018

Planning Healthier Suburbs, Where Cars Sit Idle and People Get Moving

The goal is to engineer more physical activity into American life to reduce both spreading obesity and the chronic, often lethal health problems linked to sedentary living.

posted Jan 19, 2018

Trail Planning, Design & Development Guidelines

by Minnesota Department of Natural Resources

This 300-page spiral-bound publication, several years in the making, provides a first-ever comprehensive "how-to" guidebook for developing all types of recreational trails.

posted Jan 19, 2018

Massachusetts Trails Guidelines and Best Practices Manual

by Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation

The health and happiness of people across Massachusetts depend on the accessibility and quality of our green infrastructure - our natural resources, recreational facilities, and great historic landscapes.

posted Jan 19, 2018

Developing Sustainable Mountain Trail Corridors

by Hugh Duffy with National Park Service

This article introduces the criteria of maximum profile grade relative to the existing cross slope (fall line) as key to the development of natural surface trail projects that are sustainable. Key trail design concepts excerpted from trail documents are presented in this article.

posted Jan 19, 2018

Sustainability of Backcountry Trails

by National Park Service

A document providing the basis for the most sustainable backcountry trail for all trail types with the least impact to natural, historic, cultural and aesthetic resources.

posted Jan 16, 2018

Guidelines for the Design, Construction and Maintenance of Sustainable Trails

The Ontario Trails Strategy describes our vision for trails in Ontario and recognizes the many benefits of trails for health and prosperity and highlights the importance of environmental protection.

posted Jan 4, 2018

Optimizing Trail Grade: The Key to Creating Sought-After Trails

by Randy Martin with Trailscape

Designers and land managers should consider the benefits of lengthening trails to lower the average grade while at the same time including short sections that are much steeper.

posted Jan 3, 2018

Basic Elements of Trail Design and Trail Layout

by American Trails Staff

The goal of trail building is to create a long-term relationship between humans and nature.

posted Nov 4, 2014

Trails for All People

How can trail groups, local governments, and land trusts responsibly plan, develop, and operate trails that are accessible by all people, including those with limited mobility? What are best management practices? What is legally required? When is universal accessibility not appropriate?