City of Pasadena Bikeways Analysis and Feasibility Study

The City of Pasadena's Bikeways Analysis and Feasibility Study builds on the outreach and feedback received during the development of the City's Bicycle Transportation Action Plan.

by KOA Corporation, A Lochner Company

The City of Pasadena, California developed a Bicycle Transportation Action Plan (BTAP) that provides specific goals, objectives, actions, and timelines for creating an environment (1) where people circulate without a car, (2) that significantly increases the number of people who commute by bike, (3) that increases the number of people who use a bike for utilitarian trips, fitness and recreation, and (4) that provides business and economic benefits for the City.

To assist the City with the development of the plan, a Bikeways Analysis and Feasibility Study was conducted to evaluate the possibility of constructing buffered bike lanes, cycle tracks, for bicycle boulevards on specific roadways throughout the City.

This document builds upon the outreach and feedback received during the development of the BTAP and focuses on four north-south bicycle boulevard corridors. This study evaluates the traffic calming features based on existing traffic conditions, bicycle Level of Traffic Stress (LTS), vehicle impacts (traffic Level of Service (LOS), on-street parking), collisions, accessibility to existing bicycle facilities and land uses, and cost of the corridor improvements. This study developed planning-level conceptual design plans based on the refined traffic calming features recommended for each study corridor.

Attached document published February 2021

About the Author

KOA has a reputation for innovation and leadership in the design and engineering of transportation systems throughout Southern California. We have demonstrated transportation engineering leadership in all aspects of our streets and highways including traffic signals, intelligent transportation systems (ITS), communications, signal timing and operations, street lighting, intersection design, highway design, parking, worksite traffic control, active transportation and complete streets, transit systems, ADA compliance, and systemic safety analysis reporting.

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