Construction and Maintenance Webinars

Webinar recordings are available for FREE and immediate download in our online store.

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Introduction to Trail Maintenance Management Planning

September 25, 2013

If you already have a Trail Maintenance Management Plan this webinar will present some ideas on how you might improve it. If you are considering developing a one, you will get information to consider so you can make good decisions about how you might best move forward with the development of your plan.

Building Your Trail Right the First Time

July 18, 2013

This webinar teaches how to place a trail on the landscape so that it is consistent with the natural environment so that it will be aesthetically pleasing, meet user needs, and require minimal maintenance in the future.

The Art of Sustainable Trail Management

June 28, 2012

Learn the basics of developing and managing natural surface, share-used trail systems.The webinar is geared primarily towards beginning and intermediate level trailbuilders: including volunteers, agency staff, and professional trail crews.