Sun Corridor Trail Alliance Action Plan

The SCTA Action Plan serves as a checklist of guiding tasks for the new organization as it continues to move the Sun Corridor Trail forward.

The process to develop the Sun Corridor Trail was begun as a grassroots effort to improve outdoor recreation opportunities throughout Arizona. Technical assistance was received from the National Park Service Rivers, Trails and Conservation Assistance Program and Arizona State University Center for Philanthropy and Nonprofit Innovation in 2020 to guide the formalization and long-term success of this effort. This assistance provided guidance on organizing and formalizing a state-wide nonprofit to coordinate and advocate for the planning, development, and long-term stewardship of the Sun Corridor Trail. Bylaws, articles of incorporation, and an Action Plan were developed. This document is intended to serve as a checklist of guiding tasks for the new organization as it continues to move this trail forward.

Attached document published February 2021

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