Laura Cohen

Director, Western Region

with Rails to Trails Conservancy

Laura Cohen has more than 20 years of experience working at the intersection of recreation, active transportation, active living, and sustainable communities. As Director of the Western Region (comprising 6 western states), Laura oversees Rails to Trails Conservancy’s trail development program, and leads RTC’s policy and advocacy efforts. Over the past decade, Laura has successfully advocated for investment of hundreds of millions of dollars in bicycle, pedestrian, and trail funding in California. She has conducted bicycle/pedestrian/trail policy and design training workshops in dozens of communities. Laura co-founded the Caltrans Active Transportation and Livable Communities Advisory Group, which has helped transform Caltrans into a better partner in serving bicyclists and pedestrians. Laura holds a B.A. in Political Science from U.C. Santa Barbara, and a law degree from U.C. Berkeley’s Boalt Hall Law School.


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806 views • posted 02/28/2018