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posted Feb 25, 2020

Trails Move People

Creating a strong, cooperative, and unified voice for a diverse trails community

posted Feb 25, 2020

Jobs & Networking

Find volunteers, jobs, trail-related businesses and stay in touch with the world of trails and trail professionals.

posted Feb 25, 2020

Make a Donation

Our Mission | To amplify the voice of a diverse trails community. Our shared values, collaboration, education, and communication ensures trails continue to move us all. Help us raise awareness of the economic, social, and political value of trails.

posted Feb 24, 2020

Emerging Trail Leaders

American Trails and the Professional TrailBuilders Association are proud to offer Emerging Trail Leaders (ETL) Scholarships to worthy recipients, both domestic and international, to attend our biennial International Trails Summit.

posted Feb 24, 2020

About Us

American Trails celebrates decades of working on behalf of all trail interests. Our website is one of the world's most comprehensive online sources for planning, building, designing, funding, managing, enhancing, and supporting trails, greenways, and blueways.

posted Feb 20, 2020

Trails Are Transportation

Trails are critical infrastructure and, as such, they should receive the financial and human resource allocations necessary to maintain their critical role.

posted Feb 20, 2020

Contact Us

posted Feb 20, 2020

Health Benefits of Trails

by American Trails Staff

Does access to trails really lead to healthier communities? According to research the answer is a resounding yes.

posted Feb 20, 2020

Mental Health Benefits of Trails

Beyond the physical health benefits of trails, the mental health benefits of trail access is also invaluable.

posted Feb 19, 2020

Trails Make Economic Sense

The benefits of expanding and improving the outdoor recreation economy are clear and compelling.

posted Feb 19, 2020

Why Trails?

Where would we be without trails? It is a simple question, but it is worth pondering. The longer you sit with this question, the more you will discover the overwhelming impact that trails have on our lives, often in very unexpected ways.

posted Feb 19, 2020

Maintenance Management Systems for Trails

by Lois Bachensky with USDA Forest Service

Trails work on federal lands is planned through a maintenance management system.