Metlakatla Indian Community

The mission of the Metlakatla Indian Community is to improve the lives of our members, and preserve our heritage and culture, through effective self-governance, a commitment to self-sufficiency, and the exercise and strengthening of our tribal sovereignty; we encourage progress while honoring our ancestors, and protecting our land and water for future generations; we promote sustainability by utilizing and respecting our natural resources, developing economic and social opportunities for our members, and implementing efficient and effective systems of governance to enhance our members’ safety, health, and welfare. The Council and tribal executives are dedicated to governing the affairs of the Annette Islands Reserve acting under the authority of our Constitution, ordinances, and policies to fulfill this mission.




Metlakatla Indian Community

PO Box 8
Metlakatla, Alaska 99926
(907) 886-4441

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118 views • posted 09/28/2023