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posted May 30, 2018

Natural Resource Impacts of Mountain Biking

A summary of scientific studies that compare mountain biking to other forms of trail travel.

posted Jan 24, 2018

Design and Management for Backcountry Horse Trails

by Jim Murphy with Back Country Horsemen of America

Trail conflict occurs: among different user groups, among different users within the same group, and as a result of factors not related to a users' trail activities.

posted Mar 6, 2018

Safe Management of Power Line Trails

by Gary Holisko

Trails are often built in utility corridors of all kinds, from underground pipelines to electric power lines overhead. Over the years some articles have raised concerns, apparently unfounded, about electromagnetic fields (EMF) emanating from power lines. But other factors are more important when managing utility line trails.

posted Apr 3, 2018

South Carolina Trails Survey

The purpose of this study was to provide an extensive description of the use of trails in South Carolina.

posted Dec 17, 2018

USDA Forest Service Agreements Desk Guide

The Forest Service has a tradition of partnership as old as the Service itself. In the broad sense, partnership denotes sharing a common interest with the Forest Service in National Forest values and a relationship in pursuit of those common interests. Please keep in mind that this is just a guide. It is not meant to replace, supersede or compete with FSM 1580 or FSH 1509.11. The guide provides direction to reference sources. It also may alleviate research, but not eliminate it. Its biggest value may be in helping develop creative thinking about partnerships and what is possible within the authorities now in place. The information provided in this Desk Guide is current up to its 2003 date of publication, but keep in mind that like everything else things change, so always refer back to the appropriate FSM or FSH for any updates to agreement provisions and direction.

posted Mar 13, 2018

Heritage Rail Trail County Park User Survey and Economic Impact Analysis

This analysis compares the original Users Survey taken in the spring of 1999 with a follow-up study conducted in 2001. The comparison measures any changes in usage behavior.

posted May 30, 2018

Roadway and Bikeway Maintenance Practices

Specific issues and goals for maintaining bikeways and the roadway edge where the majority of bicycling takes place.

posted Jun 9, 2018

Tennessee Off-Highway Vehicle User Survey

by University of Tennessee

The characteristics of OHV users in Tennessee, types of OHV use and trip characteristics, and the perceptions and preferences of OHV users were studied.

posted Dec 22, 2020

Estimating the Benefits and Costs to Mountain Bikers of Changes in Trail Characteristics, Access Fees, and Site Closures: Choice Experiments and Benefits Transfer

Tens of millions of North Americans and Europeans own mountain bikes and millions of them are avid trail riders. The growing popularity of mountain biking in many areas has led to increased trail degradation and conflicts among users on single track. This study could be used as a template to estimate benefits and costs to other users (hikers and equestrians), a critical component of any analysis of the types of policies managers must consider.

posted May 30, 2018

Recreation Code of Ethics urged by Blue Ribbon Coalition

This etiquette guideline for trail users is from a motorized perspective.

posted May 30, 2018

Studies Weigh Mountain-Biking, Hiking Impacts

New research suggests that mountain suggests that mountain bikes and boots leave equal wear and tear on trails. How bikers ride and where hikers step may make more of a difference.

posted Apr 3, 2018

Midland County Recreation Needs Assessment

The survey provides clear direction for the Commission as they update their county park master plan for the next five years.