Alison Bullock

Community Planner, Rivers, Trails & Conservation Assistance Program

with National Park Service
Chattanooga, Tennessee

Alison Bullock has served as a Community Planner for the National Park Service’s Rivers, Trails & Conservation Assistance Program (RTCA) since 2000, providing technical assistance for trail and conservation projects primarily in Tennessee, Kentucky, Alabama and North Carolina. Prior to her career with NPS, Alison worked for the State of Tennessee as the Greenways & Trails Coordinator. Alison is a graduate of the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, with a Master of Science in Planning. She is a past recipient of Great Outdoors Week’s Legends Award and a graduate of NPS’s mid-level management development program. Over the past 25 years, Alison has developed an expertise in planning greenways, water trails, and complex outdoor recreation projects. She has served on the National Water Trails technical review team for annual NWT applications since 2015.


1,138 views • posted 07/09/2021