
Welcome to the Oregon Hikers Forum (a service of Trailkeeprs of Oregon), an online community dedicated to hiking and exploring the outdoors in Oregon and southwest Washington! With more than 7,000 registered members, you'll find new trip reports posted in our discussion forums daily. You can also explore our ever-growing Oregon Hikers Field Guide, with hundreds of trail descriptions, photos and maps to help you plan your adventures. The field guide is written by our forum members, and provided for the larger hiking community as a free service to promote hiking and our trail legacy. The forums and field guide can be browsed by anyone, but we do encourage you set up an account and join in the conversation.





c/o Trailkeepers of Oregon, PO Box 14814
Portland, Oregon 97293
(971) 206-4351
[email protected]


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2,158 views • posted 10/22/2020