Outstanding State Recreational Trails Advisory Committee



Wisconsin State Trails Council

Members are deeply active in their respective associations, and bring an intimate knowledge of the individual, and often quite localized, issues facing their respective member groups and communities.

The Governor’s Wisconsin State Trails Council consists of representatives from 11 recreational trail user groups, covering the full gamut of motorized, non-motorized and mechanized activities.

Because of the members’ strong ties to their trail groups and users, the Council is well respected by the Wisconsin Legislature and offers a strong voice in promoting the RTP trail grant program, shaping the grant program’s parameters, and evaluating RTP projects and grant applications.

The Council has contributed highly useful, and even transformational recommendations to state and local agencies involved in the grant program, and to all those responsible for establishing and managing trails in Wisconsin. Perhaps having the greatest impact, the Council recently instigated the establishment of a maximum grant amount for the state’s RTP grant awards. This grant cap has enabled smaller trail groups or projects to participate in the grant program, and has enabled the apportioning of the available funding to be spread throughout the state. Last year, for instance, the number of local grants increased from eight to 75.

For more information

Wisconsin State Trails Program website

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