Trail Advocacy

This award is given in recognition of successful efforts to influence public policy relating to trail planning, trail protection, trail development, or maintenance.


Nevada: Erin Casey

As Associate Director of the Tahoe Rim Trail Association, Erin's mission is to enhance the Tahoe Rim Trail system and encourage stewardship through volunteer programs, educational outreach, and community partnerships.

Erin worked with numerous agency and non-profit professionals to offer the "first ever" trails and outdoor leadership workshop, in May 2006. Over 100 students from Nevada and Northern California were treated to three days of trail training, including design and layout, construction and maintenance, and trail leadership training. Because of Erin's efforts, trail building in Nevada and Northern California has taken on a new light. Her love for trails shows through in her daily efforts to bring about a quality trail experience for generations to come.

465 views • posted 01/16/2018